Associate Professor
Kalaitzaki Argyroula
Scientific field: Clinical Psychology
Research interests: Interpersonal relationships – social networks, violence and abuse, mental disorders/psychopathology – psychotherapy, elders and dementia, positive psychology
Office hours: Tuesday 15.00-17.00
Contact: 2810379551
Email: akalaitzaki@hmu.gr

Assistant Professor
Kasseri Zacharoula
Scientific field: Social Work with an emphasis in the Addictions
Research interests: Social Work, Addictions (drug and alcohol dependence, addictive behaviors), Qualitative Research
Office hours: Monday 14.00-15.00 and 16.00-17.00
Contact: 2810-379544, kasseriz@hmu.gr

Associate Professor
Koukouli Sofia
Scientific field: Social policy
Research interests: Health and social care services for vulnerable groups (mainly aged), Social factors influencing health and the use of health and social care services, Health and Social support networks for vulnerable groups, Chronic diseases and quality of life of chronic patients, Family policy, Gender issues – discrimination based on gender.
Office hours: Monday 14.00-15.00 & Wednesday 13.00-14.00
Contact: 2810-379517, koukouli@hmu.gr

Associate Professor
Koutra Kleio
Scientific field: Social Work in Public Health
Research interests: Community Social Work, Social Capital, Community Development, Prevention and Health Promotion, Diversity and Discrimination, Active Ageing
Office hours: Friday 13.00-15.00
Contact: 2810-379243, kkoutra@hmu.gr

Assistant Professor
Koutsouraki Eleni
Scientific field: Refugee protection, law and rights in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Research interests: Human Rights, asylum, migration
Office hours: Wednesday 15:00-16:00 / Thursday 15:00-16:00
Contact: 2810-379525, ekoutsouraki@hmu.gr

Markakis Georgios
Scientific field: Statistics
Research interests: Applied Statistics
Office hours:Tuseday 12.00-13.00 and Wednesday 12.00-13.00
Contact: 2810-2810-379273 gmark@hmu.gr

Assistant professor
Moudatsou Maria
Scientific field: Social Work & Social Excluded Groups
Research interests: Social capital, empathy, mental health, psychosis, old people, vulnerable people, issues of justice
Office hours:Monday 14.00-16.00
Contact: 2810379517, moudatsoum@hmu.gr

Associate Professor
Papadakaki Maria
Scientific field: Social Work
Research interests: Social Work
Office hours: Thursday 12.00-14.00
Contact 2810-379518, mpapadakaki@hmu.gr

Associate Professor
Papadaki Vasileia
Scientific field: Social work
Research interests: Social work education, Diversity – Discrimination, Social work ethics
Office hours: Tuesday 12.00-13.00 and Wednesday 12.00-13.00
Contact: 2810-379529, vpapadaki@hmu.gr

Assistant Professor
Oikonomou Katerina
Scientific field: Social Work
Research interests: Social Work
Office hours: Monday 11.00-12.00 and Wednesday 11.00-12.00
Contact: 2810-379527, katoik@hmu.gr

Assistant Professor
Prokopakis Emmanouil
Scientific field: Community Organization and Social Change
Research interests: Immigration, social integration of immigrants and refugees, local social development
Office hours: Monday 13.00-15.00
Contact: 2810-379526, mprokop@hmu.gr

Assistant Professor
Ratsika Nikoleta
Scientific field: Social Work
Research interests: Social Work
Office hours: Tuesday 11.00-13.00
Contact: 2810379527, ratsika@hmu.gr

Emeritus Professor
Chliaoutakis Joannes
Scientific field: Health Sociology
Research interests:
Office hours: Wednesday 10.00-12.00 and Thursday 10.00-12.00
Contact: 2810-379516, jchlia@hmu.gr