Department of Social Work

Hellenic Mediterranean University



Research laboratories

Laboratory of Health and Road Safety – LaHeRS

LaHeRS aims at promoting research and intervention in social and public health problems. Main fields of interest are family and interpersonal violence, health needs assessment in vulnerable population groups, social determinants of health and driving performance.

More information can be found here:

Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Approaches for the Enhancement of Quality of Life (Qol)

The QoL Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory which aims at promoting research, education, prevention and intervention in health, social care and improving people’s quality of life. Main fields of research interest are chronic Illness/vulnerable populations, assuring quality of care, health/social care systems, planning and implementation of health, e-health, and psychosocial interventions.
More information can be found here:

Laboratory of Applied Social Research and Social Work

The aim of the Laboratory is the advancement of scientific knowledge in Applied Social Research and Social Work through the study of contemporary social issues such as refugee-immigration, unemployment, poverty, social exclusion, abuse, delinquency, discrimination, racism, etc.

Educational laboratories

Local Community Development Laboratory (LCD)   

The LCD aims at training students in the holistic model of Social work, with special emphasis on Community Social Work, Community Organization and Development and Research.

Laboratory of Cross-Cultural Education and Action  

The laboratory aims training students in Social work, with special emphasis on cross-cultural social work, such as acquisition of skills and knowledge in the development and implementation of actions related to the social integration of immigrants and refugees. Its long-term goal is the social cohesion of the local community and the well-being of its population.

Primary Education Laboratory    
The laboratory aims training students in the Developmental School Social Work applied in schools and in multicultural and special school units.

Computer & Multimedia Laboratories

The Computer & Multimedia Laboratories offer possibilities for the students to advance their skills on information technology and multimedia, to search Social Work information through the internet, and to be taught statistics and related software packages. Three labs can be used by students and faculty members of the Department of Social Work and Nursing.

Laboratory of Art Expression

The laboratory aims at helping students, through experiential activities of movement, expression, and imitation to acquire self-awareness, realize their capabilities within the group, and develop skills of expression, communication, creativity, and cooperation necessary for their professional role.